Human Resources Articles

Understanding Workplace Bullying and Reasonable Management Action

The modern workplace is a dynamic environment, constantly shifting due to technological advancements, evolving employee expectations, and the ever-increasing emphasis on productivity. However, along with these changes, there has been a notable rise in workplace bullying incidents, fueled by personality conflicts, heightened stress levels, and greater awareness of employee rights. According to research, one in two employees has experienced workplace bullying or harassment. Alarmingly, much of this remains unreported, making it a pressing issue that requires attention and action.

Back to the Office…Or Not?

It has been impossible to ignore the rising trend of working from home in recent years. It’s a work model that has both drawbacks and benefits. This week we’re going to explore how points from both sides of the fence may affect you and your workplace. Although most...

Evolving Sexual Harassment Laws in Australia: Essential Steps for Employers and HR Professionals

Over the past 12 to 18 months, sexual harassment laws in Australia have undergone significant changes. These developments, driven by high-profile legal cases, amendments to the Fair Work Act, and the appointment of a new Sex Discrimination Commissioner, underscore the increasing importance of addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. With a new mandate that imposes a positive duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment, along with potential restrictions on non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and deeds of settlement, employers and HR professionals must adapt to stay compliant and mitigate risks.

Compliance Check: 3 Essential Strategies to Prepare for the Right to Disconnect Legislation

As the Right to Disconnect law comes into effect in just a few weeks, it is crucial for employers to take proactive steps to ensure compliance. This new legislation is designed to protect employees from the expectation of constant availability outside of their designated working hours, thereby promoting a healthier work-life balance. To help your organisation navigate this transition smoothly, here are three key strategies to prepare for the Right to Disconnect law.