WH&S Articles

Unpacking the Complexities of Disability Accommodation in the Workplace

A recent case examined by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) sheds light on the complexities surrounding performance management, disability accommodation, and employee rights. The case involved an individual with dyslexia who worked as an event supervisor at a mountain getaway in Tasmania, alleging mistreatment and unfair performance management that led to her resignation.

Expert Tips for Conducting a Comprehensive Psychosocial Risk Assessment in the Workplace

As workplace health and safety regulations continue to evolve, HR professionals find themselves at the forefront of managing psychosocial hazards.

The introduction of a Code of Practice to address psychosocial risks has necessitated a strategic approach to mental health, reshaping HR’s traditional role. As such, it is imperative for HR practitioners to carry out thorough psychosocial risk assessments in alignment with the new legislation.

144 Dead – We Need to Reduce Workplace Incidents  

144 people. This is the preliminary number of deaths that have occurred nationally resulting from workplace injuries for 2023, thus far (Safe Work Australia). As we move towards the last few weeks of the working year, businesses have the opportunity to reflect upon workplace incidents and to contemplate how these can be reduced in 2024.

Closing Loopholes Bill – Take Action and Stay Informed

On the 4th of September the government introduced the Closing Loopholes Bill. This bill aims to close loopholes that exist within current pay and working conditions, with a specific focus upon gig workers. It will also increase penalties for non-compliance and breaches of pay and conditions such as, imprisonment for intentionally underpaying workers.

Employer understanding of these changes is vital and we encourage you to remain informed and to act prior to implementation. Within this article we have outlined a few ways in which you can do this.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Operating a business is very time consuming and ensuring your business is compliant with fire safety and all the Rules...

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