Nobody likes conflict in the workplace. I’m sure that we’ve all experienced one at some point, whether we were involved personally or witness to one. Today we are going to discuss why it is so important for managers to have a certain degree of skill in conflict management.
Whilst HR staff generally have training in conflict management, not everyone else does. If your company doesn’t have the facility of a dedicated HR team it’s important that you can mitigate conflicts that may arise in the workplace. Developing such skills allows you to maintain a harmonious environment and prevent loss of productivity or (in a worst-case scenario) your workers.
A conflict in the workplace can develop because of many reasons and may present in different forms. Common types of conflict could include two individuals disagreeing (interpersonal), two separate groups disagreeing (intergroup) or people within the same group disagreeing (intragroup). Such clashes could be caused by scenarios such as a communication breakdown, personality clashes or competition for resources.
Whether you have dedicated HR staff or not, the responsibility of maintaining a positive working environment is something that falls to everyone to a certain degree. Open communication plays a huge part in early intervention to prevent uncomfortable situations. If a negative situation seems to be developing, proactive conflict management is something that needs to be put into action by the responsible manager, using HR as a mediator and facilitator for open discourse between parties.
Conflict Management Methods
Methods that assist conflict management start with open communication. Encouraging honest and open dialogue can solve many issues at the onset. Active listening and a display of empathy is all that may be required to deescalate a brewing conflict. Generally speaking, people just want their issue to be heard and understood.
The problem-solving approach, where involved parties are encouraged to collaboratively find solutions is a great way to address a conflict. If there are several parties involved, then coming to mutual agreements as to how to proceed will be beneficial. Supporting parties through discussions toward agreement on a solution is going to yield better results than a manager simply mandating a blanket resolution.
Having clear-set policies in place regarding conflict resolution is also important for companies. These set a framework for how such situations should be handled in an equitable way. It is essential that any conflict is treated in the same way initially to maintain a ‘level playground’ for all involved. If a conflict is escalated, it is paramount that a company has covered all bases at the onset of attempting reconciliation. Clear-set policies aid this and ensure that everyone is aware of processes and any repercussions for deviation from company policy.
HR and Conflict Management
If a conflict escalates past the point where open discourse and communication are no longer successful, it’s advisable for an HR team to be involved. The role of HR in conflict management is one of Mediator. HR reps have training in strategies for successful negotiations that others may not possess. They will be able to provide insights on how to proceed with fact-based tools to aid ongoing discourse. HR personnel will also be able to keep thorough records of the issue that may become relevant later, if a dispute becomes unreconcilable with the tools that have been utilised so far. They may act as an arbitrator or recommend that a professional arbitrator be engaged, depending upon the situation.
HR staff may also find it prudent to provide their coworkers with training and development on conflict management. Ensuring that people managers have an understanding of conflict management is advisable as managing unique personalities is not always as easy as it seems.
Having an understanding of conflict management will set your team up to be the best that it can. Nipping conflicts in the bud (or progressing with them in a competent manner should they continue) will allow you to maintain harmony in the workplace. Not only will it improve relationships and teamwork, enhance morale and productivity, but allow you to reduce turnover and absenteeism.
A positive organisational culture makes for a happier and healthier workplace for all.
How are your conflict management skills? Do you feel like you could do with a brush up or assistance with them? That’s where we come in.
AHR are your local HR management experts and are able to provide advice or help with workplace conflict should you need it. We offer three levels of assistance, whether you prefer to manage the situation yourself but require advice and access to tools and templates, we can provide that. If you’d rather have someone to be there with you through the whole process for hands on help or, if like many you are time poor and require someone to manage the process from start to finish, we can provide this as well.
Call us today on 1800 577 515 or book some time with us via our website and one of our friendly professionals will gladly step you through how we can best assist.