4 Tips for Hiring Staff Last Minute

by Jan 3, 2023Human Resources, View All

Now the festive season is over the holidays have well and truly commenced and with them an increase in consumer activity and spending. For many businesses this is a productive and profitable time that requisites the need for additional and sometimes last minute hiring. The question that we are hearing from many employers, ‘where have the casuals gone?’

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2022), 1.8 million Australian’s stated that they were unemployed but wanted to work as of February 2022. Statistically the potential applicants are out there and we are going to tell you how to increase your chances of finding and retaining them in the current hiring climate.

Firstly, if you can afford to advertise a fixed-term seasonal contract role, we urge you to consider offering such opposed to a casual position. An ABS study (2022) established that a high percentage of potential employees are discouraged from actively looking for work due to childcare and study commitments. By offering minimum hours and entitlements employers are guaranteeing stable work via a fixed-term contract, providing potential workers with the access and opportunity to work as they can commit to routine childcare and schedule study around work commitments.

If recruiting casual employees, then you need to be prepared to repeat the recruitment process several times throughout the year as this type of employment attracts low retention rates. To avoid the likelihood of this, you should advertise and preference candidates that have an increased availability for the current Summer AND Easter holiday periods which will save your business time, stress, and money.   

We also suggest that you promote casual conversion as an opportunity to attract and sustain suitable casual candidates. An employee who meets the criteria will most likely have proven themselves as dedicated and reliable of the permanency. Casual conversion can be requested by a casual employee after 12 months of employment in which 6 months of consistent work hours can be substantiated. For more information see our article on, ‘Casual Conversion‘.

Lastly, do not be dismissive or inattentive when hiring last minute or seasonally. These employees have the potential to greatly influence the reputation and succession of your business as they will be delivering service and product when your business has the most customer exposure! Therefore, you do not want to rush the recruitment process for these roles, developing extensive position descriptions, considering employee stability within employment type and contract entitlements, and maintaining a focus upon re-occurring seasonal employment and employee retention.

The Assurance HR Management Team are often outsourced by businesses to conduct Human Resource and Industrial Relation efforts, specialising within the advertising, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding of new employees. If you feel that you are hiring people and having difficulty retaining them, approach us and let us review your current recruitment process. Contact us today on 1800 577 515 for a free consultation, in which we can discuss your business specific needs.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022, May 24). Participation, job search and mobility, Australia. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/employment-and-unemployment/participation-job-search-and-mobility-australia/feb-2022

Australian Bureau of Statistics ([ABS], 2022).

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