All full-time employees working within Restaurant and Hospitality Awards, aside from Managerial/Hotel employees, will...

All full-time employees working within Restaurant and Hospitality Awards, aside from Managerial/Hotel employees, will...
All employees working under the Hair and Beauty Industry Award will see extensive changes in response to the 4 yearly...
All employers working under the Fast-Food Industry Award will see extensive changes in response to the 4 yearly Modern...
As of September 2021, legislation introduced new casual conversion laws, which requisites all employers to offer...
All employers working under the SCHADS Award will see changes for part time employees, from the first pay period...
Recent updates made to the Hair and Beauty Award, with changes to overtime entitlements for full time and part-time...
Recently Fair Work has made changes to the Clerks – Private Sector Modern Award. These changes are to assist...
The Fair Work Commission has released a statement proposing to vary 80 modern awards to Provide up to 2 weeks unpaid...
Since the outbreak of COVID–19 we have fielded a lot of calls regarding leave and if it has changed any leave...