Performance Management: Best practice from start to finish

by Oct 9, 2021Human Resources, View All

Aside from the actual work you do, people will always be the backbone of any business. Managing people and getting the best out of them for your business is a skill in itself, and ensuring you’re complying with all the latest Fair Work legislation can sometimes feel like a full-time job!

This week’s series looks at some of the common topics managers face with employees, what your rights and responsibilities are, and some of the best-practice tips for getting the best from your people, and how to deal with them when they’re under-performing (or worse).

We’ll also be looking at the importance of regular performance reviews, how to manage employees who are under-performing, and what steps you can and should take in the event of dismissal to protect your rights, and ensure you’re doing the right thing by your employee.

Here’s our daily breakdown:

  • Monday Probation periods, and why they’re useful
  • Tuesday: The importance of performance appraisals
  • Wednesday: Misconduct and serious misconduct
  • Thursday: Dismissal and unfair dismissal
  • Friday: Resignation or Redundancy

Again, if you’ve got any questions about anything we’re covering here, or want to know how things apply to your situation, give Assurance HR a call on 1800 577 515. We’d love to help!

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