Benefits of a Job Analysis

The Recruitment Series – Week 2

We at AHR take recruitment seriously. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to discuss different aspects of the steps involved in recruiting through a series of helpful posts. We continue the discussion this week with some points about why conducting a job analysis is so important when recruiting.

Consultation with all stakeholders will get the best results in a job analysis.

If you’ve not completed a job analysis before, then take note. This process will greatly increase the probability that you will attract the correct person for your company.

Recycling old position descriptions and advertisements are likely to keep you in the same position you’ve already been. What we really want is to look to the future, identify what we need now and as we move forward to grow our company.

What is involved in a Job Analysis?

A truly useful job analysis requires input from all stakeholders within the hiring team (think future manager, HR team, recruiter and possibly more) to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to filling a role. Some things to consider when conducting a job analysis could include:

  • Are you replacing an existing worker? If so, was an exit interview conducted to gather feedback on the role?
  • Is the role newly created? If so, have other workers that are part of the workflow been consulted regarding what they will need from this role?
  • Has research been conducted on similar roles to identify common qualifications, requirements and compensation?

A well-rounded approach to attracting potentials will benefit your existing team (and the new hire) in the long run.  Once the recruitment team are at consensus about what they are looking for, an ideal candidate should be more easily identified.

From the Perspective of the job seeker

The job analysis approach also helps from the perspective of job seekers.

Once completed, you will be able to create high-quality and comprehensive job advertisements and position descriptions. Listing responsibilities and clear frameworks for performance expectations will encourage job seekers that are truly interested in what you are offering to continue with the application process.

Details are what will attract your ideal candidate. Taking the data you gathered during your analysis you’ll be able to:

  • Highlight your company values and Culture.
  • List in detail responsibilities and requirements.
  • Focus on offered growth and development.
  • List a competitive compensation rate and benefits.

All things that a genuine job seeker is looking for when searching for their next ideal role.

Does this seem like a lot? This is where we can step in and assist you.

We at AHR are uniquely positioned to be able to assist you with your next, best hire. 

We offer three levels of package, so whether you prefer to be provided with helpful templates and explanations on how to best run the process yourself (we support you doing it), whether you prefer an experienced AHR professional to be there with you through the whole process (we do it with you) or whether you want to take your own time back and have us complete the process ourselves (we do it for you), there is a package that will suit any need.

Call us now on 1800 577 515, or get in touch via our website (where you can send a query or book a free consult with the “book” button). One of our professional staff will be more than happy to talk to you to see what we can do to take the pain out of your next recruitment drive.

We’ll see you next week when we return to discuss how to use best practices whilst interviewing so you can find the correct fit for you and your company.

*The information provided in this blog was accurate at the time of writing and is intended as general advice. For specific advice, please call AHR on 1800 577 515*

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