Workplace Health & Safety

How Are Your Pandemic Outbreak Management Plans?

Do you need help formulating and preparing a plan for a possible Pandemic resurgence

The recent COVID-19 pandemic caught many businesses unaware. It showed us how quickly things could spiral out of control.

What many people thought would only last a few weeks or months quickly turned into two years of rolling restrictions, stay-at-home orders, social distancing, masks, and much more.

It quickly highlighted that many businesses weren’t ready to handle a pandemic. Now, several years on, we’re all only just recovering. However, that doesn’t mean that things can’t change quickly. It’s better to be prepared for the worst, should the worst occur, than be caught out with no pandemic outbreak management plans in place.

At Assurance HR, we can do a thorough evaluation of your business and prepare a detailed pandemic outbreak plan for you. We’ll look at all aspects of your business, staff interaction, client interaction, and much more to ensure that your business is ready for whatever the world throws its way.

If your business suffered during the pandemic and you’d like to avoid it happening in the future, then don’t wait for the worst. Instead, get ahead and call us now to discuss a pandemic outbreak management plan for your business.

 How Are Your Pandemic Outbreak Management Plans? – Conclusion

Coming off the tail end of the global pandemic has definitely highlighted the need for businesses to plan their response and actions to pandemics. The last thing anyone wants is for their business to suffer or for any of their employees to get sick or worse.

If you need assistance with setting up pandemic outbreak management plans, then Assurance HR is here to help. Our professional and experienced team has successfully helped hundreds of Australian businesses prepare their pandemic outbreak management plans to meet their WHS obligations.

Need help with meeting your WHS obligations? Contact us today! Call us any time on 1800 577 515, or schedule an appointment online here.


We Pride Ourselves On Our Professional Approach

personalised help

We will appoint your own, personal point of contact to help and advise you. Not fob you off to the first person that answers the phone at the call centre.

Big Business advice in small business language

We provide Corporate Level advise in a way the Small Business owners can understand and relate to.

Plus we have the ability to upscale our services as your business grows and develops.

Locals That Understand

We are Tasmanians, primarily helping Tasmanians.

We understand the local environment and the issues local businesses face.

From Our Principal


Other HR companies talk about how they will stand behind and support you. But do they really know what it takes to run a small business?

Do they understand what you have to go through each and every day? We Do!

You see, before seeing the need that small businesses had in this area, I ran a successful small business for over 15 years.

I have been where you are. And with a team boasting similar experience totalling over 100 years, I can promise you we will not stand behind you, we will stand with you shoulder to shoulder, providing the best advice and support at a price the big companies will not match.

Call us today to find out why we are simply better.

Adrian Clark

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