Workplace Health & Safety

Why Are Safe Operating Procedures So Important?

SOPs could be the difference between completing a job safely and a disastrous accident!

Think of a Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) as the manual for any task or piece of machinery in your business

SOPs are an integral part of your Work Health and Safety obligations. While you may assume that everyone knows how to operate the machinery at your business or complete a task safely, it’s not always the case.

An SOP tells an employee how to safely carry out a task way in a way that ensures that they won’t hurt themselves or anyone around them. It’s a detailed set of instructions that shows them how to operate a piece of machinery or complete a task, step by step.

SOPs should be a significant part of your WHS initiative. SOPs need to be kept up-to-date, located so that employees can easily access them, and in some cases, kept on machinery.

Writing and maintaining SOPs is highly time-consuming. They could be as simple as how to turn a machine on or off or a detailed list of steps detailing all aspects of a project. If your SOPs aren’t up to scratch, then perhaps it’s time you invested in new and up-to-date SOPs for your business? Assurance HR is here to help!

 Why Are Safe Operating Procedures So Important? – Conclusion

Safe operating procedures allow people to safely operate a wide variety of machinery and complete tasks safely. Therefore, they are a vital part of your WHS obligations.

If you need assistance with setting up and completing safe operating procedures for your business, then Assurance HR is here to help. Our professional and experienced team has successfully helped hundreds of Australian companies prepare safe operating procedures to meet their WHS obligations.

Need help with meeting your WHS obligations? Contact us today! Call us any time on 1800 577 515, or schedule an appointment online here.


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From Our Principal


Other HR companies talk about how they will stand behind and support you. But do they really know what it takes to run a small business?

Do they understand what you have to go through each and every day? We Do!

You see, before seeing the need that small businesses had in this area, I ran a successful small business for over 15 years.

I have been where you are. And with a team boasting similar experience totalling over 100 years, I can promise you we will not stand behind you, we will stand with you shoulder to shoulder, providing the best advice and support at a price the big companies will not match.

Call us today to find out why we are simply better.

Adrian Clark